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Appendix 1: Governance and Participation bodies

Organisation chart

Since 1 Februrary 1973, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is a public legal entity, founded and located in Rotterdam. 

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board (SB) is the body of the EUR as prescribed by law (WHW section 9, subsections 6-9) that supervises the university's administration and management. The Supervisory Board is entrusted with tasks such as the assessment and approval of the institutional plan, the annual report, the budget and the administrative and management regulations. The Minister of Education, Culture and Science appoints the members. The SB answers to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science.

Members of Supervisory Board

  • Prof. mr. dr. J.E.J. (Corien) Prins (chair), chair Scientific Council for Government Policy [member 2012-2018, chair 2018-2020]
  • Mr. drs. P.H.J.M. (Pascal) Visée RA, board advisor and several board memberships
    Prof. dr. ir. C.J. (Hans) van Duijn, emeritus professor/rector magnificus TU Eindhoven en board advisor
  • J.M. (Marja) van Bijsterveldt - Vliegenthart, mayor of the city of Delft [2015 – 30 November 2019]
  • Ir. drs. H.N.J. (Hans) Smits, CEO Jansen Bouw Groep, (oktober – november 2019)

Overview of secundary positions of members of the Supervisory Board

Name Secundary positions
Prof. mr. dr. Corien Prins Member, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW)
  Member Supervisory Board, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
  Professor Law and Informatisation, , TILT, Tilburg University
  Member, selectieadviescommissie parket Hoge Raad
  Board member, Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Raad (SWR)
  Lid Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen
  Member, Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI)
  Member, Raad van Maatschappelijk Advies Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)
  Chair, Sectorplancommissie SSH
  Editor-in-chief, Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB)
  Editorial Board, Computer Law & Security Report, Elsevier
  Editorial Board, Information and Communications Technology Law, Carfax Publishing, UK
  Editorial Board, Adviesraad International Data Privacy Law, Oxford University Press
Mr. drs. Pascal Visée RA Board Member, Raad van Commissarissen Rabobank Groep
  Commissioner and Chair, auditcommissie Royal FloraHolland
  Board member, Stichting Albron
  Senior Advisor Genpact (extern)
  Senior Adviseur McKinsey & Company Inc. (extern)
  Commissioner and Chair, auditcommissie Mediq
  Commissioner and Chair, auditcommissie Plus Retail
  Board member/Treasurer, Prins Claus Fonds
  Chair, Raad van Toezicht Stedelijke Museum Schiedam
  Chair, Raad van Advies Nolet Groep
Prof. dr. ir. Hans van Duijn Chair, Permanente Commissie voor Grootschalige Wetenschappelijke Infrastructuur (NWO, één dag per week)
  Chair, Sectorplancommissie Beta Techniek
  Chair, Bestuur JMBC (landelijke onderzoekschool op het gebied van Vloeistofmechanica)
  Member, Wiskunderaad (NWO)
  Dutch delegate at ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure)
  Member, Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen
  Affiliated member, TU-Eindhoven, Faculteit Werktuigbouwkunde (tot 1 mei 2019)
  Affiliated member, Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Geowetenschappen
Marja van Bijsterveldt - Vliegenthart Chair, Raad van Toezicht Stichting Lezen & Schrijven
  Chair, Raad van Toezicht Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
  Board member, Veiligheidsregio Haaglanden
  Operational Board member, Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag
  Board member, and Operational member/Supervision Stadsgewest Haaglanden
  Member, Economic Board Zuid-Holland
Ir. drs. Hans Smits Chair, Centrale Plan Commissie van het Centraal Plan Bureau

Executive Board

The Executive Board (EB) is the highest administrative body of the EUR. The three members are appointed by the Supervisory Board, after a hearing with the University Council. The Executive Board answers to the Supervisory board.

The Executive Board as of 1 December 2019, from left to right: Roelien Ritsema van Eck, Hans Smits and Rutger Engels

Members of the Executive Board

Chair - K.F.B. (Kristel) Baele / chair ad interim - ir. Drs. H.N.J. (Hans) Smits
The chair is responsible for general administrative matters, such as the relationship with the Supervisory Board and the University Council. The tasks include: strategic policy, international affairs and external contacts, such as the contacts with the Rotterdam region, businesses, other knowledge institutions and ministries.

Kristel Baele was chair from 1 December 2015 to 1 December 2019. Hans Smits has been chairman ad interim since 1 December 2019. Until June 2020, he will take responsibility within the Executive Board for general administrative matters, including the relationship with the Supervisory Board, and for external contacts, such as with the City of Rotterdam, the province and politicians.

Rector Magnificus - Prof. R.C.M.E. (Rutger) Engels
Derector magnificus is responsible for education, research and impact, including academic staff (policy), students and science education. Prof. Dr Rutger Engels was appointed on 15 June 2018 for four years. He is also professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (ESSB).

Member of the Executive Board - R.M. (Roelien) Ritsema van Eck
Roelien Ritsema van Eck was appointed on 1 November 2018. Within the Executive Board, her portfolio consists of business operations (finance, economic policy, land and buildings and information facilities). In this position, she is responsible for the further development of digital support, further improving the quality of business operations and linking those business operations to the (strategic) objectives for education, research and valorisation.

Code for Good Governance in Dutch Universities

EUR complies with the Code for Good Governance in Dutch Universities of VSNU. EUR makes sure that alterations of the Higher education and Research Act and similar regulations are implemented in a timely and correct manner. 


Prof. dr. Ph.H.B.F. Franses, dean of ESE
Prof. dr. S.L. van de Velde, dean of RSM (untill 1 September 2019)
Prof. dr. H.G.H. van Dierendonck, interim dean of RSM (1 September - 1 November 2019)
Prof. dr. A. Richter, dean of RSM (As of 1 November 2019)
Prof. dr. J.P.T.M. van Leeuwen, dean of FGG/Erasmus MC
Prof. mr. dr. W.S.R. Stoter, dean of ESL
Prof. dr. V.J.J.M. Bekkers, dean of ESSB
Prof. dr. H.A.E. Zwart, dean of ESPhil
Prof. dr. D.C. van den Boom, interim dean of ESHCC (untill 24 May 2019)
Prof. dr. F.A. van der Duijn Schouten, interim dean of ESHCC (As of 24 June 2019)
Prof. dr. J.L. Severens, prodean of ESHPM
Prof. dr. I. Hutter, rector of ISS

Participation bodies

University Council

The University Council (UR) is EUR’s participatory body at university level. This council consists of twelve student members and twelve staff members. Ms. A.P Barmentlo has been the chair until 1 September 2019. The UR maintains contact with the representatives of the EUROPA (Erasmus University Rotterdam Consultation for Personnel Affairs), the Faculty Councils and the advisory boards.

Staff section representatives 2019
Until 1 September 2019
C. Festen (Erasmus MC/ESHPM), J. Piarelal (EMC/ESHPM), A. Uribe Sandoval (ESHCC) , D. van Vliet (ESSB, as of 1 January 2019), B. Bode (RSM), J. van Wel (ABD/UB/USC), E. von Bone (ESL), V. Karamychev (ESE), F. Franke (RSM), S. van Tuinen (ESPhil, as of 1 January 2019), B. Jadoenath (ISS), vacant position (ABD/UB/USC).

As of 1 September 2019
A. Uribe Sandoval (ESHCC), B. Bode (RSM), B. Jadoenath (ISS), F. Franke (RSM), F. Blom (ESL), D. van Vliet (EUC), J. Piarelal (ESHPM), J. van Wel (UCS), N. Kraal (Erasmus MC), S. Kamp (ECS), Y. Hendlin (ESPhil).

Student section representatives
Until 1 September 2019
J. van der Burgt (RSM), J. Dingenouts (ESE), A. Abdullatif (ESE), E. Meier (Erasmus MC/ESHPM), N. El Manouzi (Erasmus MC/ESHPM), L.C. van Laar (RSM), F. Schaatsbergen (ESSB), S. Polat (ESSB), G. Garsevanishvili (ESHCC), F. Wijker (ESPhil), N. Djankov (ESL), D. Adu (ESL).

As of 1 September 2019
J. van der Burgt (RSM), J. Klasen (Erasmus MC), Z. Hayat (Erasmus MC), R. van Wouwe (ESHCC), F. Wijker (ESPhil), T. van den Akker (ESPhil), E. Sen (ESSB), Y. Shang (ESSB), O. Hornes (ESSB), D. Vellanki (RSM), E. Albertone (RSM), Y. Assou (RSM).

Executive Board and University Council consultation meetings

The Executive Board held monthly meetings with the University Council (UR) on the basis of a jointly prepared agenda. The subjects of discussion at these meetings included not only the compulsory subjects prescribed by law, but also matters the Executive Board wanted to inform the UR about or that the UR had requested additional information on. The University Council’s advice was followed in almost all cases. Naturally, the opinions of the other participatory bodies were also taken into consideration, even when there was no formal obligation to do so. Working groups were formed comprising representatives from the UR and relevant policy staff for the joint fulfilment of the national Quality Agreements for Higher Education, and to ensure their continued notification of and involvement in the development of the university’s institutional strategy. The praesidium of the University Council was represented at all academic ceremonies.

Advisory Board

Three Services — the University Support Centre, the General Management Directorate and the University Library — have each been represented in a separate advisory board since 1 November 2016. The advisory boards hold regular meetings with the heads of the relevant organisational units. Representatives of the advisory boards maintain contact with the University Council and EUROPA representatives.


For the EUROPA Local Consultations, the Executive Board makes further agreements with the representatives of the trade unions within EUR, which have a joint delegation in the EUROPA consultation council.

Central Electoral Committee

EUR has a Central Electoral Committee, which organises elections for the University Council and the advisory boards of the central support services. The Central Electoral Committee also coordinates the work of the faculty electoral committees, which organise elections for the faculty advisory boards. In 2018, the Central Electoral Committee took a decision, in collaboration with the members of the UR, to organise EUR-wide elections for the student representatives.  Instead of faculty constituencies, in addition to Article 22 of the Electoral Regulations for the University Council, a new Constituency (no. 10) has been created, consisting of all students enrolled at EUR. This concerns a two-year pilot, to be evaluated after the elections to be held in the academic year 2020/2021. Then, the board will report to the University Council on the functioning and effects of this separate constituency for the students.

Complaints policy

EUR has introduced the regulations and procedures prescribed by law for handling complaints and objections. These not only concern formal objections and appeals on the basis of the General Administrative Law Act and the Higher Education and Research Act, but also various other types of complaints. The university amends its own rules and regulations when there are grounds to do so, such as amendments to  legislation and regulations. EUR has a special website listing all regulations, guidelines and rules for staff and students.

Students submitted a total of 191 appeals to EUR’s Examination Appeals Board in 2019 (compared to 304 in 2018 and 209 in 2017). These were mainly appeals against the examination appeals board’s decisions regarding (unfavourable) binding study advice, admission onto a course of study, and interim and final examinations. An appeal was lodged with the Appeals Tribunal for Higher Education (CBHO) on 16 occasions (compared to 18 in 2018 and 16 in 2017). In addition, a total of 35 objections were handled in 2018 (compared to 37 in 2018 and 31 in 2017). These mainly concerned decisions taken by or on behalf of the Executive Board. In addition to the appeals and objections, a further 396 complaints, reports and requests were submitted to the Legal Protection Facility, which is required by law. These were handled by or on behalf of the administrators (the faculty deans).

Volgend hoofdstuk: Appendix 2: Laureates and prize winners